Mistakes to Avoid During Your Colorado Roof Inspection Process

Nov 5, 2024
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Roof Inspection

A roof inspection is one of the most importantsteps to protect your home’s structural integrity and avoid costly repairs.However, even when hiring experts, certain mistakes during the inspectionprocess can lead to missed issues or incomplete evaluations.


Here are a few key mistakes to watch out forduring a professional roof inspection.

Rushing Through the InspectionProcess

A thorough inspection requires time andattention to detail. If the inspector moves too quickly, they could misscritical issues like small cracks in the shingles, loose flashing, or earlysigns of water damage. Make sure your roof inspection is methodical andcomprehensive, covering every part of the roof, including harder-to-reachareas.

Failing to Inspect Beneath theRoof Surface

Damage to the roof deck or underlayment maynot be immediately visible, but these components are vital to the roof'sstructural integrity. A professional should take a close look at areas underthe shingles and any other materials that might conceal hidden damage.

Neglecting to Document theInspection Thoroughly

A detailed inspection record, including photosand notes on specific areas of concern, is necessary for future reference. Thisdocumentation can be crucial if you need to file an insurance claim or trackthe progress of repairs over time. Always make sure your roofing professionalprovides you with a comprehensive report after the inspection.

Ignoring Small Issues BecauseThey Seem Insignificant

Minor cracks, slightly lifted shingles, ordiscolored spots might seem insignificant at first glance, but ignoring them isa mistake. These small problems can lead to much larger issues, such as leaksor structural damage, if not addressed promptly.

Not Checking for ProperVentilation

Inadequate ventilation can lead to moisturebuildup, which causes mold growth and deteriorates roofing materials over time.During a professional inspection, make sure they check the roof's ventilationsystem to verify that air moves properly through the attic space.

Failing to Inspect During OptimalWeather Conditions

Conducting a roof inspection in poor weatherconditions, such as during heavy rain, snow, or extreme heat, can lead to anincomplete or inaccurate assessment. This is because the inspector might missimportant details or be unable to safely access all areas of the roof.

Not Evaluating the Condition ofRoof Accessories

Failing to assess areas like vents, chimneys,and skylights can lead to missed vulnerabilities, as these roof accessories arecommon spots where leaks may develop. Ensure that professionals thoroughlycheck the seals around these areas to keep water from seeping in.

Ignoring the Roof’s Age andMaterial Type

Different roofing materials age differently,and what might be considered normal wear for asphalt shingles could be a redflag for a metal or tile roof. Check if the rooferconsiders the specific material and the expected lifespan when evaluating theroof’s condition.

Not Checking for Signs of AnimalDamage

Animals such as birds, squirrels, or raccoonscan cause significant damage to roofs over time. A mistake often made duringinspections is neglecting to look for signs of animal activity, such as nests,chewed wires, or damaged shingles. If left unchecked, animal infestations cancompromise the roof’s structure and lead to costly repairs.


If you’re looking for a professional and thorough roofinspection, we at Roof Squad are here to help. Contact ustoday to schedule your inspection and ensure your roof is in optimal conditionfor years!

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